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625 Court Street, Room 202 Woodland, CA 95695 Phone: (530) 666-8042
John Fout Public Information Officer
(Woodland, CA) – Yolo County jobseekers now can join any of the Virtual Information Sessions for training in the construction and building trades on Wednesday, May 18 and Thursday, May 19 at 11 am and 5 pm. The general orientation course includes construction industry structure and the construction process, orientation to apprenticeship, tools of the various trades and the safe handling of both hand and power tools, and industry standards of work responsibility and craft excellence.
With the Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3), a learner can pick up the tools and techniques of Skilled Trades, from plumbing to electrical work to sheet metal and ironwork, under the guidance of master craftworkers.
Graduates of the course will receive up to $1,000 in cash incentives for completion of the course, up to $1,000 for obtaining placement in a state-approved apprenticeship program, $500 for placement in construction related employment, $300 for placement in other employment, and up to $500 for tools & materials. Classes start June 13 at the Highlands Community Charter School in West Sacramento and last for six weeks.
The Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) training is part of the California Workforce Development Board’s High Road Construction Careers, which is funded through SB1. This statewide initiative puts dollars to work to advance careers in the building and construction trades as a reliable pathway to middle class for disadvantaged Californians via multi-craft pre-apprenticeship training.
The course is offered in partnership with the Yolo County Workforce Innovation Board (WIB), Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Sacramento-Sierra’s Building & Construction Trades Council, People Working Together, Highlands Community Charter School, and California Workforce Development Board.
Individuals interested in attending can register for the virtual information sessions via For more information, please access the program’s website at under WIOA Services. For more information, please contact Erica Johnson, HHSA Program Coordinator, at or call/text (530) 631-2289.
yolocounty.org625 Court Street Woodland, CA 95695(530) 666-8150
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